Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Busing in Kentucky Schools

Since 1971 "Seperation but Equal" has been abolished and affirmative action has been implicated, but how far should we go with proving that race doesn't establish boundary lines? Busing is now becoming a common answer to natural segregation. Natural segregation is where certain races/cultures are found seperated naturally. The African-American race is not a flourishing minority as much as Hispanics or Caucasians are in rural Kentucky. So in order to make it fair and meet certain restriction schools have now begun to bus students from one area or another, but does this not implicate discrimination? This is the begining of another racial hurdle removing students from schools to meet quotas because of their race is the same as 40 years ago removing students from schools because of their races.
Many students have to ride the bus an unnesscary amount of extended time that takes away from extracurricular activities, studies and having a normal social life.

Where a person lives is their choice whether it seperates them from certain people or not; so why can't a person choose where they get their education.
You don't see white people being moved into Detroit and Chicago?


Virginia said...

Poligamists in Texas
An anonymous call to the police from a 16 year old girltthat said she had been forced to marry a 60 year old man and have his child has caused police to invade a temple of a particular religion which many see as an abominatiion.... So was there really a tip? or did they just decide that the poligamists needed to leave??

Anonymous said...

Tuition rising
Kentucky's state motto is Education pays, yet the cost of tuition is rising constantly more and more every year. Tuition at the University of Kentucky is rising by twenty-one percent for the next semester causing most students to transfer to other schools especially students that are not from Kentucky. As tuition rises most future students are rethinking furthering into a secondary education choosing not going to school even vocational school seeing as how at Rowan Tech/Maysville Technical College the tuition is rising fifeteen percent for the next semester. So how are suppost to further their education and put education first if they cant event afford to go to school which will lower careers in medicine, education, and anything but fastfood and factory work. It seems like to me that the only thing education is paying is for the new bridge being built to connect us to Cincinatti.

Anonymous said...

Gay Marriage
In 2004 a ammendment was passes in kentucky banning same sex marriages or civil unions with seventy-four percent in favor and only twenty-six percent against, but the ammendment and issue is still coming up now with an ammendment beginning to ban the rights or benefits for homosexual couples. If a couple from out of state were to come to kentucky for secondary education then they couldnt get benefits of married housing or for being married. There was a gay-straight alliance in Greenup County that was largely fought against after it was publicized but what is this teaching our future senators and presidents taht if you are gay that you shouldnt be able to assemble or have the same contracts that bind heterosexuals in marriage. A wedding is just a ceremony and the only thing that binds someone to their spouse besides their word is a certificate. And in a world where there are many different religions and beliefs why is it that everything is brought back to the bible, when every religion follows a different bible or word of their lord. How can religious groups be brought in to support against this kind of ammendment if only one religion is bringing the conflict into a conflict?

Anonymous said...

Social Security
Why is it that the people who need help the most are the ones least likely to get it? You pay into social security from the first day on the job and it never ends till you retire, then you start getting a check a month to live on. With most of society drawing socail security being the baby boomers the lock down on social security is being tightened.
Teachers can no longer draw social security from their spouses because they are teachers. Is that not the stupidest thing you have ever heard the people educating the youth of America cant get the money they deserve?!

Anonymous said...

Whle disabillity is another story, I know many people that dont need to draw, but they do and when my uncle who is epilileptic tried to gain disabillity because he couldnt lift over five lbs without going into a seizure was told that he could get a job lifting fruit boxes in Florida. Instead of granting him disabillity they wanted him to move all the way to Florida from Grayson, Ky to become and orange lifter!!

Anonymous said...

Elderly People Driving
As prom approached you hear more and more people talk about teen driving, but what about people that have been driving for years?? They have made the process for getting your driver's license harder for young drivers but then elderly people who dont really know al teh different signs and new rules always being put into affect are still allowed to drive they are getting older and losing their eyesight?
Yes the average american is thought to be in a wreck at least once every seven years, but i dont know how many times i have almost wrecked either with an elderly person pulling out in front of me, stopping in front of me without a turn signal, or trying to pass then for going thirty five mph on the interstate! If you ask me i believe taht every twenty years you should have to go through the eye exam and a class on new driving conditions so that everyone is able and educated enough to drive.

Anonymous said...

Gas Prices!!
OMG gas is only $3.25 in Camargo!! Is that not the saddest and most depressing thing you have ever heard when i started driving gas was around $2.50 per gallon and now if we see it at $3.25 Its a steal. How can a source that is prominent almost all over the world be so expensive in the US when we are using different fillers to increases its production and paying and conserving so much?? Did you know that in SOuth America a gallon of gas is only $0.13?! Thats ridiculous there is no way that we could have that much of a shortage to need to spend so much money on a gallon of gas.
Even more crazy then gas prices is a gallon of water! Can you believe that a gallon of the most abundant resource in the world costs as much as a gallon of gasoline? We spend more in bottled water and tap water then we do in gasoline so if were going to spend that much on water or gasoline why dont we all just start running our cars on water because we couldnt have a shortage and there is plenty to go around.

Anonymous said...

Every time you look around there is more and more teenager getting pregnant, but what are their options? 25% of women in the US have had atleast one abortion in their life time. And some women have multiple times so as the legislature cracks down on stem cell research, gun control, and raising taxes, why dont they do something to drop this rate?
Instead of practicing safe sex or getting "fixed" many women continure to get multiple abortions because they dont want children or the responsibility that goes along with it. There is no reason why anyone should have more than one abortion, actually not even one abortion unless under certain specifications like a rape victim, possible chance of death to the mother and the child, or a severe birth defect that would cause the baby to die in infancy.
Abortions are getting discussed that its so bad but what is really bad is that someone can commit multiple murders and not get teh death penalty or parole when they get abortions.
Abortion is a controversial issue but it is also simple why should anyone need to abort multiple births? If you cant have children then get your tubes tied. If you dont want children then dont have unprotected sex... Actually dont have sex at all, because if you choose to have sex or be promiscuous then your taking on the responsibility of possibly getting pregnant.

Anonymous said...

Unnecessary Prescription
In Florida ther is a sign posted on many hospital and doctor's office doors, "DO NOT PRESCRIBE TO PEOPLE FROM CARTER COUNTY!" Isnt that kindly redundant why not put, "Do not prescribe to people that dont need medicine!" instead that are increasing the abuse of prescription drugs. If they dont need pain medicing then dont give them pain medicine. Every person that has a headache doesnt make a trip to Florida and get a CAT scan!
Over prescribing is becoming a bigger and bigger problem everyday. People are taking everything in the world and yet it is still not being blamed on the dotors for over prescribing and giving unnecessary medication.